Group of women having informal conversation

The single most effective way to reduce cyber threats?

Develop Staff Cyber Awareness


95% of cyber security breaches

are caused by human error

IBM Security, June 2022


Number of SMEs going bust within 6 months of a data breach occuring*


The average cost of a ransomware attack**


Employees downloading unauthorised software at work*


Growth in cybercrime predicted by 20025 due to new AI hacking tools**





Engage, Motivate & Improve Cyber Behaviour

Bite-sized videos designed to hold the attention of every staff member, from Receptionist to CEO.

Covers All Major Cyber Threats

From Ransomware, Phishing and Remote Working, to Phishing, Deep Fakes & Money Transfer Fraud.

Track Staff Engagement & Understanding

Track who watched what and when and who needs to watch again.

What makes this Program different?

Although most people realise cyber diligence is important, they find it uninteresting and confusing and would rather get on with other things instead.

Which is why we have designed our Program to be as accessible and engaging as possible, with each topic presented in a way that will hold short attention spans.

Because unless staff find the messaging interesting and easy to absorb, then behaviours will never change and your organisation will continue to be at high risk.

Manager discussing performance with employees

GDPR compliance

GDPR reuires you to manage cyber risk, with the expectation that you have taken appropriate measures to minimise threats and safeguard data. Raising staff awareness plays a key role in this and being able to demonstrate a pro-active approach to cyber risk reduction can be useful for regulatory compliance, fine-avoidance & insurance cover.

How it works

  • Simply select the subscription according to your company size (i.e. number of people with a company email address)
  • Follow the instructions on the Welcome Email and log into your Administrator Dashboard
  • Enter or import your employee email addresses into the field shown, edit the suggested Staff Welcome Email in any way you choose, and click send
  • All personnel will be invited to log in with their registered email address and, after watching each video, answer a couple of simple multiple choice questions to see how well they understood the content
  • You can easily track their progress, send reminders and identify weak spots through a quick glance at the Dashboard

Prices range from just £0.49 to £0.99* per employee/ month, depending upon the total number of staff with a work email address (because every one connected to your network is a potential risk)

*Annual plan, subject to VAT



Business Meeting at the Office

About us

Our Cybersure Awareness Program has been designed and created by a team of experienced educators, trainers, videographers and, of course, cyber protection experts (One Brightly Cyber) who have successfully remediated thousands of major cyber incidents and understand where threats start.

The Program is structured to engage an audience often uninterested in cyber hygiene in order to increase awareness and motivate a change in behaviours.

Already used widely in the US, our Program can be adapted to suit different geographic markets and industry sectors. If you would like a training program that meets you speciific needs, please get in touch.

e now

**National Cyber Security Centre, 2024

If you’re interested in own-branding or creating other video-training programs, please contact us.

We have designed leading events around the world, covering everything from management theory and investment management to Islamic banking and crowdfunding.

We now focus to online learning and would love to discuss how we can help make your project come to life.

* IBM Security, July 2023

* Unisys Security Index Survey

** Spycloud, 2024